How to Remember M1L and M1R Increases

Here’s a little phrase and demo to help knitters remember how to do the make 1 right and make 1 left increases: "I left through the front door, I'll be right back." I learned this from knitters while I was teaching a shaping class and it’s been super helpful to me!

When you’re doing a make one increase (left or right), you want to twist the stitch in order to close a hole that would otherwise appear, so you’ll notice that when I’m doing the M1L, I enter through the front to pick up the bar in between stitches, but I have to knit that stitch through the back to twist it. For the M1R, I enter through the back to pick up the bar in between, and I knit the stitch to the front, twisting it. If it still looks like you have a hole, work a few more rows before judging. A lot of times the stitches will relax into themselves with a bit more fabric.

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