Nature on a Rocky Shore
Colourful anemones and a hermit crab underwater
Some of the beaches on Vancouver Island have these black rocky areas where, at low tide, you can catch a glimpse of all sorts of fantastical creatures. I really love exploring these areas, though they are pretty slippery and treacherous, so be super careful and thoughtful of the life that’s there if you decide to try exploring yourself. I’m really grateful that we have so many natural areas where we can get outside, especially spread-out beaches where it’s easy to stay away from other visitors and practice physical distancing. Here are a few fun things I saw on a recent trip to the beach.
A striped snail on a dark rock next to small barnacles
Gooseneck barnacles interspersed with a few clams and limpets
A very colourful anemone
Deep red seaweed with long fronds waving underwater
Anemones come in lots of colours and if you’re really fortunate and look closely, you might even see a limpet walking around! They’re pretty cute under there. It was a special treat to see the stalked jellies. I’ve never seen them before and they looked like aliens floating through space.
A bright green anemone
A limpet is moving across a rock near barnacles and anemones. Its body is visible under its shell.
Stalked jellies being alien-like, attached to huge seaweed fronds
Happy summer exploring!
If you like these images, you can follow my nature photography on Instagram.