Late Summer Meditation
A Peaceful Nature Break
Here’s a bit of what I’ve been seeing on my walks here in Victoria. The Oregon grape is in full fruit, the blackberries are starting to ripen, and the swallows are loud and numerous!
Clusters of blue Oregon grapes growing on a lush green shrub.
Closeup of an arbutus tree trunk with curly, papery red bark peeling off of smooth, cool wood.
Tiny pale pink flowers against a soft green background.
Barn swallows are swooping in and resting on tree branches.
Maple keys and leaves ripening on a summer afternoon.
A wide cluster of blackberries in different stages of ripeness. Some are fully green, some have turned a lush red, and some are deep, dark purple.
Three swallows on a wire, stretching their wings and preening.
Yellow gum weed flowers blooming on a shoreline.
Here’s a reminder to take advantage of whatever season you’re in right now. As for me, I’m cherishing the remaining warm sunshine and looking forward to sweater weather.