How Many Herons Can you Spot?
This tree often has bald eagles in it
But last weekend it was packed with great blue herons! I counted five in the photo below, but there were several more in the tree next to it. I usually see herons in this area, so that part wasn’t a surprise, but it was so special to see so many in one place! It looked like they were all having a little nap.
A dead-looking wildlife tree against a grey sky has five great blue herons perched on its branches with their backs to the camera and their heads tucked in their wings.
While I’m looking around for birds, I try to remember to just take in the whole scenery and the mountains and clouds were on form! I love that look of fog above the water, clear sky to see the peaks, and rolling clouds above. Warm blue/grey gradient, anyone?
Scenic view of water with a strip of land and a scraggly tree in front of snow-covered mountains and a cloudy sky.
Seeing ring necked ducks is always a treat because of their fancy gold eye and striped beak. Such a dramatic black head too! This one was spending time with a flock of wigeons. I don’t understand duck society, but it seem like they’re happy to spend time with other kinds of ducks pretty often. I’m sure folks have done intense studies of the subject!
A lone ring necked duck is floating in green water.
You know how much I adore great blue herons! I probably have thousands of pictures of them, but I’m working on improving my video skills, so here’s one being very, very sneaky. Look at that foot! Just look at it!
A great blue heron stepping very stealthily in green reeds alongside a pond.
A double crested cormorant is perched at the very edge of a streaked post.
And this post is a favourite spot for cormorants to hang out. Their feet are also extremely wonderful, but in a totally different way. They look kind of like weird rubber gloves or something. And that mottled colouring on this one’s throat is very interesting. I’m wondering if maybe it’s a juvenile?
Do you have favourite bird feet? If you’ve never thought about it, I highly recommend looking as closely as you can the next time you get the chance because bird feet are amazing. (I mean, have you ever seen a coot’s feet? Amazing! Photographing coot feet is a lifelong goal of mine.) Please tell me about the bird feet that amaze you in the comments.