Alterknit Reviews

"Andrea’s book is a fabulous collection of 200 stitch patterns for stranded colorwork, with a decided sense of humor."

Kate Atherley,

"Hands down the best stitch dictionary for motifs that I've come across."

Wendee Shulsen, Hazel Knits Yarn


"Andrea Rangel has put together a book that elevates a stitch dictionary to new heights and makes it fresh and fun again! I highly recommend this book for any fans of colorwork or those looking to jump in and get learning!"

Shannon Cook 


"Love, Love, Love! There are endless books with charts out there but only a few good enough to grace my over crowded book shelf. This is one of them, with lots of fresh modern fun charts to follow."

Kristine Southgate


"Rangel’s knitting stitch dictionary is not the typical ho-hum album of leaves and diamonds. Nothing (not even the diamonds, not even the leaves) feels like a retread of stuff you’re sure you’ve already got in another book... All throughout is a welcome sense of doors and windows thrown open to let fresh air into a stuffy room."

Franklin Habit


"This book really is full of inspiration, and judging from how inspired I am after spending an afternoon reviewing its offering, I’m certain it will guide me from project to project for years to come!"

Chuck Wilmesher, Makers' Mercantile


"I've always admired colorwork but haven't really dived into knitting any — but after a quick glance through this book I'm feeling incredibly inspired!"  

Jessie Kwak